Sunday, April 25, 2010
8 sutures and a nice cup of tea

Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday Grind: Bora perfects "no hands" gybe
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
6s and 7s
Friday, April 16, 2010
Day 1 ABYC regatta Welcome to the Dark Side
Nothing like a name change to up the sperm count! Sitting around the table after an awesome sail and the regatta has been re christened. This is now the California State Championships.!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
My legs ache
OK off Moth topic but on Sunday we rode Stage 8 of the Amgen Tour of California, a tough 63 miles and about 5000ft of climbing with two climbs up the fabled "Rock Store " climb. This was to support the "Breaking Away from Cancer " charity. All this after about 4 hours in the boat on Saturday. Rode another 53 miles today as I get ready for the amateur race on the same stage during the Tour itself. Yes its official my legs ache! On the way home thought I'd take the easy way out a call Liz to pick me up before the final climb to our house. My wonderful wife was there waiting, great, bike in the back, turn the key, battery dead. F*ck! Phone towing service, bike out, leave Liz with car, ride rest of way home, legs now killing me and on the verge of bonking, Liz gets jump start, takes car to garage, pick her up in my car, come home, legs still aching like hell, now really hungry, eat and going to bed! Only hope this will help me for the up coming three days of hike like hell racing that is a Moth regatta...
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Su Su Seventeen
With the ABYC regatta coming up next weekend looks like we will have around 17 entries, way more than we anticipated when we set out on the venture to build the class at ABYC. Nat has made a sterling effort to marshal the club, and the club are really behind us in pulling this together. The demo day on Friday will be pretty interesting and we're keen to see if we can hook a few more into buying Moths. There are some really well sorted out boats around at the moment but boy they are selling fast.
Friday, April 9, 2010
End of an era
Well my beloved Black Pearl has finally left the building. She was sold before the Worlds and has gone to a new home up in Seattle, fortunately to a keen Mothy!. Loads of adventures together as I learnt to foil in this boat. She took me from the beginning in Balmoral Sydney, through the move to LA, and final to a great campaign at the 2010 Dubai Worlds. The list of mods was waaay too long to list. and as all Bladerider owners know, the hours of boat work were endless but tons of fun. All the learning has now been transferred to "Deus ex Machina" my new Mach 2. The boats gone but the spirit lives on.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
First attempt at on board photos
Friday, April 2, 2010
I've Finally Given In
OK so this is the first blog. Going to the Worlds in Dubai has driven this. After 18 months of Mothing, being a member of the original Blog Free Zone, Balmoral Sailing Club, I've given in and started a blog. Plan is to focus on being a mid pack Moth sailor with aspiration. As Bora says, "want to sail slow, start a blog". Here goes. Hope I can find out how to get back in....