Saturday, June 12, 2010

Physical, Physical, I wanna get Physical

THAT was a full on day.

My hands hurt, my shoulders feel like they've been wrenched out of their sockets, I tore the ass out of my skiff suit, broke the main sheet bridle, Nat lost his wand paddle and went through another rudder. Yup SoCal Moth training at it's best!

We had about 15s, I'm guessing, but unusually from the South so plenty of swell and chop which was great practice for the Gorge. We did umpteen upwind down winds about a mile a leg, and basically sailed till we couldn't hike anymore, and had accumulated the above list of damage. The on water photography continued, not bad from a Moth doing 18s!

What did we learn:
  • Continued to play with the settings on the 13b. Not too much foot tension, and use the d haul to play between pointing mode (not on full) and over powered mode ( on full). Had plenty of height and speed. Vang on hard except in softer conditions.
  • Keep practicing sailing with one hand, mess up a change of setting and the boat with you is gooone!
  • Nat's Raptor looks good, fast up wind, but down wind in medium air I could sail through him, well once! Seems to have more speed, though both up wind and down in bigger pressure. But if we were both concentrating and hiking hard, no really difference in speed.
  • He who sails the most..... wins.
  • Finally, a crazy work week, and a bottle of wine / cigar the night before, doesn't make for a fit fast Mothista, almost threw up on the first long windward leg :).

Choices, choice there are always choices.........

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