An awesome days sailing was over early when my vang snapped in a bear away. Bugger! Tried to re rig it using the 2mm ride height adjuster line, the yellow line in the pic, but by then the cams had all popped off (Yes Dan I can hear you laughing now, its was the 13b!:)) and without a working vang, I couldn't get them back on and stayed on. Usually even if they have come off I can get them on in the water, but not without a vang! After a 20 min fight I gave up and sailed slowly back to ABYC. Still managed to foil part of the way with a very rickety rig! Up till then Nat and I were having a ball, Long Beach turning it on yet again, with solid 15s and dead flat water under the break water.
The vang line had snapped about 1/3 way down the cascade, so spent today cutting off all the Chinese Dynema and replacing it. Also gave me the chance to think through adding a purchase to the vang.

The trailer has arrived, good news! Although very over engineered, and over designed by Moi and built by Bear Trailer Sports in LA, it has come out great. Need to get one small adjustment made to the boat supports, but really pleased! Makes going Mothing ten times easier!
Training for the Gorge going well, we should be finalizing shipping for the SoCal boats this week. Want to get the vang sorted, plus the Raptor on the Nano 4 and Chris is sending me a nice set of North Spectra Hikers, so teh boat will be sweet! Roll on the event.
Nice trailer!