This is the dawning of a new age.
Bora launched Wing No 2 built by the
Skiffworks in 8 days and possibly being offered as a kit a little further down the track. Its modelled here by Anthony. Both this one and
the one Adam built look simply gorgeous and they seem to suit a moth so well. The
blogshpere is full of "are they legal", "should they be allowed", but I still think the real issue is "are they faster"? And here I don't mean in a straight line but in a real world sailing event. Transporting them around will also have to be solved, but at least the "
trailermahal" I built in the earlier part of the year may well come in handy!
So what else is going on? Not much Moth sailing since the Anarchy love fest. New job, to much work plus family commitments over last month means been to busy. Plan to go next weekend if any of you SoCal Mothistas are up for it.
Last event of the season coming up. It will be 12th thru 14th in Coronado, a combined regatta / packing the container for the Worlds event! Hey and guess what it is most likely the first competitive outing for a wing! Be there!
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